The more research I do, the more I learn about new things and ideas for the craft lover in all of us. I recently realized that passing down hobbies seems to be a slowing trend. Mothers and Grandmothers, Father and Grandfathers seem to have less involvement in our Children's lives today then 20 years ago. Is this because of the "Internet Age", or video games? Or because we are just all so busy these days?
In the miniatures world - nothing happens in a day. However, the launch of our new Victorian Dollhouse kits line has shown me that the product offers a fantastic method for bonding and sharing with children! Why!? Because they can both be built in under 2 1/2 hours. The reality is that this may not be the best gift for a 6 year old, however - 7,8,9,.... This would provide a wonderful opportunity to build and share!
Who knows, it could be the small dollhouse you build with your daughter or grand daughter which triggers something in them that draws them to the craft. I hope that this new generation takes the time to appreciate what we can do with our hands and little imagination. I hope that the video game world doesn't do their imagining for them.
Click to learn more about our Victorian Dollhouse Kits
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